for designs and lettering that it understood are
copyright free because of the publish dates being over 85 years.
"Art Monograms and Lettering"
Must have book download (drawing Acanthus leaves)
Here's a few more books that WVEngraver found...
(thank you again Chris!)
"A new book of cyphers"
- published 1726 (contains over 600 illustrations)
Monograms & ciphers ([1906])
I was delighted to see that this book contains examples of corporate
monograms and the use of the "ampersand" in monograms.
The book of ornamental alphabets, ancient and
mediaeval, from the eighth century. (published 1914)
A very cool old book which contains official alphabets of different
monarchys through the ages.
The JM Berglin Art monograms and lettering book
published in 1908 and revised 5th edition in 1912 dates has expired the 85
year copyright length. Google has scanned it and may be
downloaded as a pdf at this link.
The below two images are from the JM Berglin Art
monograms and lettering page 88.

These are copyright free designs. To use one, left-click on it and, after
it loads in your browser, right-click on the image. From the menu that
pops up, choose "save picture as" to save the file to your hard disk. Now
use a program like Photoshop or CorelDraw to open it. Resize the image
with the program to the size desired for printing, and transfer it with
one of the printer transfer methods.