This drawing is ready to be printed with a laser printer and transferred.
Geel free to transfer and practice cutting it. I saved it so
that I believe the print size should come out right. If you print it
from your browser I don't think it will print the correct size though.
If you have Photoshop or a similar type of paint program open and print it
from there. If you want to engrave it at the size it was originally
cut the overall jpeg image should print out to be 3.35"x 0.646". (which
comes out in the pixel resolution of 610 pixels per inch) So if you
open it in a program that lets you readjust the print size you can use
this for reference. If you are just learning to engrave you might
print it out approximately twice this size, as it will be a little easier
to cut larger.

Above is the drawing ready for transfer.
Click on it to view. Once it is full sized on your screen right
click on the image and from the pop-up window choose "save picture as".
Please use this drawing for your private learning only and please do not
email it around the web.